Upcoming FREE Primal Leadership Workshop (July 31st 8PM Instargram Live)


Our Story

Hadassah’s essence was always there for the Fraid girls. Serious addiction plagued their family, bringing an array of destruction and despair. The girls banded together from a very young age, creating unbreakable loyalty and commitment to heal and create change. Even as kids, there was an underlying bond to this cause.


Life took over through their teen years. The need to survive and keep busy took the girls away from their calling. 


Covid 19 was the compulsory pause necessary to remind them of this; it was the birth of HADASAH. They found themselves facing the end of the world on a 20-acre farm, with nothing to do other than connect, heal and dream. Together with a few close friends, that is exactly what they did. 


In a somewhat idealistic fashion, the girls bonded together to bring healing and self-actualisation to the world with a deep commitment to a healing journey and embodiment of the change they wished to see. 


A ‘spiritual awakening’ of sorts could explain this time. In their beliefs, this is a remembrance of self and a calling to mission. As an esoteric experience, it takes some time to distil and ground this into a tangible service. For close to a year, they focused on embodying their awakening before serving. They trained with elite healers and high-performance coaches, started families, travelled and learned about business. 

In 2022, they launched an event for Healing, Music, Food and Community. This was Hadassah’s first appearance. For the year and a half leading to HEAL, they are on a fast-track mission. To say the least, the girls have been hungry and dedicated to this cause. 


Today, we see distilled products, a formalized team and a clear vision. Products being industry the leading yearly Evolution Festival, quarterly gatherings of Evolution Pioneers and a mission-based Transformation Program. These products are the heart and soul of Shimona and Ruby’s Vision. They are the vehicles built to carry the dreams of two young sisters to an evolved, conscious future. 


Hadassah aims to reach the hearts of millions of people and businesses in the upcoming decade. We envision becoming an integral player in the conscious business movement around the globe.

Vision: That business becomes a powerful way to heal and evolve self, our communities, the natural environment and the larger collective.

Values: Love, Evolution, Community and Mission.

Promise: You will have a community that you will be connected to, one that inspires your Evolution.