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The Primal Leader

Jul 23, 2024
Warrior Leader Primal

There is something wild and untamed in you. It is an energy that never apologizes and knows instinctively what it wants. It is the evolutionary force that creates effortlessly and destroys everything that does not serve you. It is the inner killer instinct. People can feel it on you, and they know you mean it without saying anything.

Many people are terrified of this instinct. They are scared it will hurt people. However, the truth is no one is ‘nice’. Life is not ‘light and love’. Truth demands of us that we unleash something deeper than that.

There is a voltage that lives in your belly. People are scared of that voltage and how much evolutionary potential it holds. It is in this place that the true hunger for your dreams live. The energy confronts you with the limitations of your current life and creates relentless dissatisfaction. This voltage is not comfortable, but it is the evolutionary force of growth and the ticket to your highest life.

This is the energy that will eradicate people pleasing. With this voltage, you focus on your mission and everything that does not serve it gets pushed to the side. It is clean primal energy that has you carve through all obstacles.

So why do so many people struggle with people pleasing and lack of clarity? It is because if you were a wild child, it is likely people around you tried to control you. Instead of setting boundaries and redirecting your energy, they may have shamed you. The truth is you were not wrong, you were feeling something valid and expressing it. You simply needed guidance for how to channel that rage.

If someone received shame and suppression, then they likely still suppress themselves. This is why they manifest disrespect and suppression in adulthood. They allow partners, colleagues and family to dictate their lives. They become people pleasers and a shadow of their real selves.

We must break free of this in order to live the life we were born for. The real self is the Primal Leader. It is the mature you that creates your life. We must do radical deconditioning in order to unshackle The Primal Leader. To do this deconditioning, we must have deep transformation in the subconscious and in the body. As this occurs it will become second nature to pursue your mission and claim your birth right as a creator.

There are many modalities that unleash this Primal Leader. A few powerful ones are guided hypnotherapy, shamanic dance, ice bath therapy or wild nature immersion. The most important aspect for this is full surrender and re-wilding through the practices. There is deep medicine to be had through these practices that obliterate stagnation and unleash that voltage.

If you feel a fire burning through your belly while reading this, it may be time to answer the call to become The Primal Leader you know you are. 


If you are interested in learning more about The Primal Leader and diving deep into these powerful modalities, book a call on this link...